Therapy cabin

Therapy and massage cabin with a view

In the desert, you can take a break from the daily grind. The pace here is different, there are fewer distractions, you can feel the tranquility, stop for a moment and take a deep cleansing breathe.
In a white cabin in the desert, opposite the sea and the rising sun, we have created a therapy room to massage the tensions out of your body and mind, for that serenity that we all need.  

We offer our guests three types of treatments in our new therapy cabin with the most beautiful view in the country:

Combined massage

30 minutes: NIS 180 | 50 minutes: NIS 290 | 75 minutes: NIS 390

Hot stone massage

60 minutes: NIS 340 | 90 minutes: NIS 470


30 minutes: NIS 180 | 50 minutes: NIS 290

*Extra charge on weekends and holidays

Book a massage:

Anat: 052-3852346