Live concerts

Live concerts at Metzoke Dragot

Once a month, talented artists perform under the desert stars. The magic of the cliff, the desert sky, the serenity of the area make these performances an unforgettable experience.
Assaf Amdursky, Miri Mesika, Shalom Hanoch, Keren Peles, Danny Robas have already performed here, and there are more events to come.
Watch this space to combine a live performance with your next stay at Metzoke Dragot.


Thursday | October 6, 2022 | 20:30


Thursday | November 11, 2022 | 20:30

Producers, retreats, and companies

We have areas suitable for a wide range of events under the desert sky or in the desert tent complex, such as weddings, performances, business events, workshops, and festivals.

For further informationקראו עוד על Producers, retreats, and companies